Terrace chapter
The Council of Canadians Terrace chapter has written an open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on electoral reform.
In the letter published in The Northern View, chapter activist Barry English writes, “The Council of Canadians, Terrace Chapter, is writing to voice our deep concern and extreme disappointment with your rejection of electoral reform. As your support of electoral reform was very strong throughout your campaign, with a pledge to ensure ‘that the 2015 election will be the last federal election using first past the post’.”
He highlights, “This sudden change in your commitment can only be seen as very inappropriate. This is a total betrayal of those who voted for your party and those who worked very hard on the non-partisan Electoral Reform Committee to fulfill Canadian citizens? wishes for a more democratic voting system. Because you made a very firm promise of electoral reform, we can only come to one conclusion, and that is when something is not working to your advantage, the citizens’ wishes no longer matter. What should we believe now and in the future when you speak? Knowing your commitments and your standards can change momentarily, I doubt we can hold you to your word.
He then notes, “We want to add our voices to the groundswell of voters who expected you to represent the public will and show a higher standard of principled behaviour. Yet another axed election promise just produces more cynicism, especially from our youth. Certainly electoral reform would have made them feel more positive about their future. The online questionnaire mydemocracy.ca was confusing, leading, repetitious and even pointless. We all know Canada can do better than that and must in the future.”
English concludes, “The Council of Canadians believes every vote should count equally and every Canadian voice should be heard in Parliament. Why should a party receiving 39 per cent of the votes get 100 per cent of the power? We call upon the federal government to take action to change the voting system in time for the next election.”
Council of Canadians chapters across the country continue to push for electoral reform and proportional representation.
We maintain that the Trudeau government must introduce – as promised during the October 2015 federal election – legislation by May of this year to enact electoral reform in time for the October 21, 2019 federal election.
We are currently also calling on the three Liberal candidates expected to win the April 3 by-elections in long-held Liberal ridings to pledge to be a strong voice within the Liberal caucus to push for electoral reform in the weeks leading up to this critical deadline. To add your voice to that appeal, please see this online action alert.