I recently wrote in Canadian Perspectives about why we’re launching a Charter challenge of the “Fair” Elections Act and what’s at stake.
This morning, we held a press conference in Ottawa announcing the formal filing of the Charter challenge, in partnership with the Canadian Federation of Students. You can watch the video of the press conference below, which is followed by a sampling of media coverage.
Here’s a sampling of the media coverage so far:
CBC: Council of Canadians going to court to fight election law changes -
Globe & Mail: Conservatives denying some Canadians the vote, group says in legal challenge -
Canadian Press: Conservative government’s election bill faces court challenge -
La press canadienne: La loi sur l’intégrité des élections contestée en Ontario -
Rabble.ca: Court to decide if Poilievre’s Fair Elections Act denies many the right to vote
We’re hopeful that the case will be heard by the Ontario Superior Court this fall and that we’ll have a decision before the next federal election. Stay tuned.
UPDATE: Donations from the public are urgently needed to cover upcoming legal costs related to research, evidence gathering and expert testimony, which are expected to exceed $100,000. Please take a moment to chip in here.