VIDEO:’Stop Harper!’ Tar sands protest in UK
Three protests greeted Stephen Harper as he addressed the British Parliament this morning.
Reuters reports, “British police arrested three environmentalists on Thursday after protest organisers said they scaled the roof of parliament during a visit by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, in an embarrassing security breach before Britain hosts a G8 summit. …Organisers of a protest against Canada’s extraction of crude from oil sands said members of their group had managed to scale the roof of the parliament building in Westminster.”
Also, “Two more protesters were arrested outside one of the main entrances to parliament on suspicion of criminal damage. Protesters said they had thrown molasses, a dark heavy syrup that looks like oil, onto the floor.”
And in a third protest, “Protesters outside parliament waved banners saying ‘No dirty oil’ and ‘Harper – Planet Destroyer’.” The Guardian UK adds, “The UK Tar Sands Network held a demonstration outside parliament as Harper arrived, with around 50 people campaigning against extraction of oil from the tar sands in the boreal forests of Canada. The group wants the UK government to support EU measures to label tar sands as more polluting than conventional oil and to discourage its future import.”
For more, please read:
Canadian PM met by multiple tar sands protests in London
Photos from today’s Stop Harper protests in London
UPDATE: Council supports protest against Harper in London