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Toronto Report Back from Cancún Climate Talks

If you are in Toronto this Thursday, join us for an eyewitness reportback and discussion on the recent UN climate negotiations in Cancún Mexico.

I’ll be speaking on the panel alongside John Dillon with KAIROS and Adriana Mugnatto-Hamu of JustEarth and the Toronto Climate Campaign. The even with take place at the Steelworkers Hall (25 Cecil Street East of Spadina, South of College) starting at 7pm .

I’ve been asked to give an overview of cliamte justice and help set the scene of what happened in Cancún.

I ‘m planning to speak to some of our experiences on the caravan, particularly what we witnessed and learned about NewGold’s mine in Cerra San Pedro, and help set the context of what civil society organizing was like in Cancún.  I will highlight some key questions, particularly around the emergent agreement, that many social movements, activists and organizations are grappling with. These questions are key to organizing around the next major round of negotiations in Durban South African (starting in late November) and strengthening climate justive movements and actions across the world.

The event will be moderated by  Dorothy McDougall of KAIROS and will include video statements by Bolivia’s Ambassador, Pablo Solòn, Gerry LeBlanc, USW Injured Workers program,  Daniel T’seleie of the Canadian Youth Delegation, via skype and video footage of Cancún events and demonstrations (I’ve included one of my pictures in this blog).

 The event is sponsored by the Council of Canadians Toronto Chapter, Toronto Climate Campaign and Toronto Bolivia Solidarity.

To learn more about the event, go to their facebook page here.