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UPDATE: 15,000 say ‘no’ to Schedule 2

This morning the Council of Canadians and MiningWatch Canada delivered almost 15,000 petitions against Schedule 2 (which allows freshwater lakes to be used as ‘tailing impoundment areas’ for mine waste) to the Confederation Block where Environment Minister Jim Prentice has his Parliament Hill office.

The groups are calling on the federal cabinet to reject a Schedule 2 exemption for a proposed open-pit gold and copper mine that would destroy a pristine lake and contaminate nearby bodies of water.

The cabinet is expected to decide on the fate of Fish Lake in British Columbia as soon as this coming Friday.

A federal review panel found on July 2 that the so-called ‘Prosperity Mine’ at Fish Lake would have ‘significant adverse environmental effects’.

The petitions say that “it is not only unsustainable but unconscionable to allow the destruction of entire bodies of freshwater to increase corporate profits.”

To respond to our ‘ACTION ALERT: Tell Cabinet to Protect Teztan Biny (Fish Lake)’, please go to