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UPDATE: Coca-Cola extracts water from Coajomulco, Mexico

Kristen Hanson writes, “Since 2000, Coca-Cola has negotiated 27 water concessions with the Mexican government which gives them the right to extract water from 19 aquifers and 15 rivers, many found within indigenous territories throughout the country. …Making Coca-Cola uses up at least two litres of water to make one litre of the soft drink. Some studies believe the ratio to be even higher.”

“Coajomulco is a mountain community of indigenous people located just outside Cuernavaca City in the state of Morelos, Mexico. …These residents have no water in their homes (and they) are literally having their water taken out from under them. …The Mexican government does not recognize indigenous communities as possible beneficiaries of local water resources and does not allow these communities to participate in the legal proceedings surrounding water concessions… The residents have been told by the government that they cannot dig a well to access the subterranean water beneath them, which would be suitable for their needs. Instead, this water is rerouted to the larger cities of Cuernavaca and Mexico City. The government provides this water, at a cost, for residential and industrial needs — including a major Coca-Cola bottling plant.”

She also notes, “Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca (says) there was an unhealthy relationship between Oaxaca state governor Ulises Ruiz and Coca-Cola. …The State Institute for Water and the National Water Commission had contracted with the Coca-Cola company to drill wells (in) Viguera and in other places like Huitzo, Telixtlahuaca and Etla, which have below-ground aquifers. And while the neighbourhoods and districts have solicited drilling for the benefit of the communities they have not been given permission…”

To see Kristen’s photo-essay, please go to

For more, please read:
Water justice instead of business cooperation
‘The Coca-Cola Case’ screening in Ottawa
NEWS: Coca-Cola director to head OTPP-owned Chilean water utility
NEWS: Kerala, India to fine Coca-Cola for damage to local water