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UPDATE: Council activists share their anti-prorogation rally reports

On Sunday I did a campaign blog on the protests that took place across the country, mostly gleaned from what was reported in the newspapers.

I added, “Let us know about the protest in your community and we will update this report.” Here’s what you told us:

Anne Levesque: “35 people marched in Inverness (population 2,250).”

Ashlea Hegedus-Viola: “Hundreds pack Waterloo prorogue protest:”

Various news reports indicated that more than 7,000 people took part in the rally in Toronto. The Toronto Star reported that, “The event took over the hub of Saturday shopping with a march that shut down Yonge St. briefly between Dundas and Queen Streets, then back up Bay St. to College.”

Saul Arbess: “Victoria had between 1500 and 2000 protesters appearing during a beautifully organized rally by our young people. See”

Gwyn Frayne: “Our Comox Valley protest had about 200-250. We had speakers from the NDP, the Liberals, the Greens, the Marxist-Leninist parties. I spoke on behalf of the CoC. One man, of about 60, poignantly said that that was only the second demonstration he’d ever been to and it was because he hates to see our democracy being lost. The Olympic Protest group spoke. The Stephen Lewis Grannies spoke about the Bill, which would have provided needed medicine for Africa, being stopped, along with the 35 other bills. People were urged to phone, email, sign petitions on line, etc. There seemed much energy to do so. There was a diversified crowd which was great to see. I’m very proud of the CoC for being involved in all of the rallies.”

Jessie Davidson: “200 in Owen Sound. lively crowd with telling speeches from a number of citizens including a student and candidates from opposition parties.”

Fiona McMurran: “Those who gathered in front of the constituency office of Conservative MP Rick Dykstra in St. Catharines – more than 50 in all – and sites across Canada demanded that the proroguing of parliament be ended and that our MPs get back to work.” More at

Mike Manning: “There were about 200 protesters outside the Colonial Building in St. John’s with speakers such as Richard Cashin, former politician Lana Payne Federation of Labour, Pete Soucy comedian and both Jack Harris and Ms Coady St. John’s M.P.s.”

Roy Brady: “In Peterborough – approx. 350 people marched through downtown streets, ending up at the Library for an indoor event with speakers (both Kathy Langley and myself spoke at the indoor rally), perogies from Food Not Bombs, petition, letter writing (150 of these, including 40 in three hours at the Market), development of an Action Plan beyond this event (coordinated by our chapter) – approx. 200 stayed for the inside event – Estimated 400-450 participated in some way.” See

Elma Parker: “Protest in Cobourg drew at least 150 people all angry at proroguing parliament. That’s great for Cobourg.” See

Williams Lake Tribune, ‘Williams Lake joins national anti-prorogation rallies’; this on-line report features video of Council activist John Dressler. See

On Saturday, we heard from:

Michaele Kustudic: “We had an excellent event here in li’l old Wolfville. We had ours indoors – a gathering called specifically for a facilitated discussion about Prorogation and its implications, and to air ideas of how citizens can respond to Harper’s attacks on our democracy. We got about a hundred people out, which for Wolfville (pop 6000) was quite impressive, and better than we had expected. By the end of the meeting, the idea of formulating an ongoing Citizens’ Forum had arisen, with a date set (Feb 6) for the next event! We organizers felt very heartened about that, and said to each other,  ‘Canada needs a grass-roots movement, and what better place for it to start than in Wolfville?!.”

Angela Giles: “The rally had a huge turnout (750-1000), especially given the cold temperatures! There is momentum!”

Stuart Trew: “I’m at Gore Park, downtown Hamilton. About 400 people and it’s also cold. The Niagara chapter – Sharon, Ron and others – are here.”

It should also be mentioned that prior to Saturday, Council activists were noted in news reports about anti-prorogation rallies in communities including Halifax, Guelph, Kamloops, London, and Prince Albert.

And I’m sure there are more reports, news stories, and photos that the organizing team will be collecting from you in the days to come.

Great work everyone!