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UPDATE: The Council of Canadians opposes geoengineering

The Council of Canadians has endorsed the ‘Hands Off Mother Earth!’ campaign launched here in Cochabamba this week by the ETC Group to counter the threat of geoengineering.

What is geoengineering? In short, it is the intentional manipulation of eco-systems, as opposed to our governments recognizing that we need to adjust to the limits of nature.

For example, geoengineering includes large-scale proposals to ‘fix’ climate change by “changing the chemistry of the oceans to polluting the upper atmosphere with sulphur particles.”

“To cite just one example, shooting sulfates into the stratosphere could perhaps cool the earth, but it could also severely disrupt Asian and African monsoons threatening the sources of water and food for 2 billion people.”

More information on this campaign is now available at and at