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UPDATE: Council chapters join the ‘Global Frackdown’ action

Join the ‘Global Frackdown’ tomorrow (Saturday September 22), Following our petition delivery in Ottawa, ON yesterday, the Council of Canadians will be participating in actions in Inverness County, NS; Fredericton, NB; Toronto, ON; Guelph, ON; Windsor, ON; and perhaps in two Prairie communities and in British Columbia (let us know). There will also be ‘Global Frackdown’ events in Drummondville, PQ; Montreal, PQ; Mississauga, ON; and Whitehorse, YK. This global day of action follows the news yesterday of Quebec’s new Natural Resources Minister Martine Ouellet stating, “I don’t see the day when these (fracking) technologies can be used in a safe way. …We want a full moratorium, on exploration as well as on extraction.”