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UPDATE: Council sends solidarity message to fracking protest in New Brunswick

The protest on Wednesday.

The protest on Wednesday.

There will be another protest against fracking this afternoon in New Brunswick.

John Levi from the Elsipogtog First Nation has extended, “An invitation to join a peaceful protest against SWN’s seismic testing for shale gas, @2:30pm on Route 126 north of Birch Ridge (wherever the trucks will be). We will meet at the Elsipogtog sports arena at 12:30 and leave from there to head to the site.”

Protests have been held every day since thumper trucks appeared on the road on Tuesday. Protesters have been stopping these trucks from doing seismic testing for SWN Resources in Kent County.

Several members of the Council of Canadians Fredericton chapter are planning to participate in today’s protest. Council of Canadians Atlantic organizer Angela Giles will also be sending this message, “On behalf of The Council of Canadians (our members, chapters activists, Board members, regional and national office staff), I want to express our solidarity with you in this time of conflict and struggle. We share your grave concerns about the impacts of fracking on water, the need to protect Mother Earth and support use of your treaty rights. Every community has a right to say no to fracking.”

Today’s protest

Today’s protest

For more, please read:
UPDATE: Protests continue against fracking in New Brunswick
NEWS: Elsipogtog First Nation activists stop fracking truck in New Brunswick