The Dominion reports, “Mi’kmaq people from Cape Breton and the Nova Scotia mainland are preparing to set up a ‘partial blockade’ of the Trans-Canada Highway in Auld’s Cove, on the mainland side of the Canso Causeway, the access point to Cape Breton.” For more, please read
Yesterday, CBC reported, “A group called the Mi’kmaq Warriors Society and people from various Cape Breton reserves started a protest Thursday against oil and gas exploration on the island. The 20 protesters say they want to draw attention to the dangers involved with the work. One company planning to do work on the island is PetroWorth Resources Inc., which is supposed to start oil exploration work near Lake Ainslie later this year. Protesters say no oil and gas development can be done safely and the work threatens the health of people on the island, including those living in aboriginal communities.”
The Dominion article adds, “Peter Bernard, a Chief of the Mi’kmaq Warrior Society from Waycobah, estimated this action will last two days. …Marshall said that if the traffic slowdown doesn’t succeed in stopping PetroWorth’s well, a full blockade will be organized.”
“Organizers of the action are expecting supporters from Paq’tnkek, Eskasoni, Waycobah, Membertou and Potlotek First Nations. They are also expecting non-Indigenous supporters from the Green Party, Protect Lake Ainslie and the Margaree Environmental Association.” The Council of Canadians – which has long opposed oil and gas drilling near Lake Ainslie, – also supports this action by the Mi’kmaq people.
The photo, taken yesterday by HMC member Ben Sichel, shows Mi’kmaq Warriors and supporters at the site of today’s partial blockade of the Trans-Canada Highway at Auld’s Cove, NS.