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UPDATE: ‘Festival of Solidarity’, June 9 in Montreal

Outside the Alternatives office in Montreal, April 2010.

Alternatives notes on their website, “It is not an accident that our governments are promoting economic development based on unhindered exploitation of natural resources, without taking into consideration our environmental preoccupations, while at the same time pushing for retrograde social programs and politics. At the federal level, the Conservatives are promoting the exploitation of tar sands as they reject all international protocols and commitments to environmental protection. The same government is sharpening the punitive character of the judicial system and is inviting the provincial government to axe their social programs and spend more on constructing prisons. In Quebec, the Charest government is promoting simultaneously shale gaz exploration, the ‘Plan Nord’ and comodification of education. The organized plundering of natural resources and cuts in social programs are part and parcel of the same right-wing discourse and policies touted by our governments.”

“The foundation of these policies can be seen in the unwavering support these governments give to a social model that protects private property at all costs, allowing the market mechanisms to determine the priorities of our society. As the impact of environmental degradation is felt across the planet, the resistance movement takes on an international character. Too often resistance movements are divided, climate and social justice struggles are separated from each other. But in fact, these multiple struggles are part of the same battle.”

“In order to collectively reflect on these issues and promote the solidarity of strugles, we are transforming this year the traditional Alternatives’ Days into a Festival of Solidarity to be held on June 9th (in Parc Lafontaine in Montreal). While celebrating our necessary and needed solidarity, we will explore various actions that can be undertaken to link up environmental and social struggles. Through the Quebec Delegation to Rio + 20, we shall endeavour to communicate our concerns and proposals to the Peoples’ Summit which will be held in Rio de Janeiro from June 17th to the 23rd.”

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