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Update: Freedom Flotilla boat seized by Israeli navy

The Freedom Flotilla departs for Gaza. Photo from Freedom Flotilla Coalition

As reported by Al Jazeera, “The Awda, carrying at least 23 people, was meant to reach the Gaza port approximately at noon local time on Sunday, but was redirected instead to the Israeli port of Ashdod.”

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition, condemning the “violent attack” in international waters, is calling for international action after several members of the Awda’s crew were hit and tasered by Israeli forces. The crew was taken to Givon Prison in Israel, where 18 of them remain for a second night.

London Chapter co-chair David Heap, who has been in Sicily providing support for the Flotilla, was interviewd by Al Jazeera about the mission. “It’s risky, but it’s much less risky than life under occupation … We share a small part of the danger that they face everyday.”

According to David, the Flotilla has encountered “an outpouring of popular grassroots support” from people across Europe. “They know that it’s not right that people can’t fish in their own waters, that students can’t travel to study, that people can’t travel to get work or health care.”

You can find the Freedom Flotilla Coalition’s most recent updates here.

See our previous blogs on this year’s Freedom Flotilla here and here.

The Council of Canadians has long called for an end to the blockade of Gaza, and highlighted the water crisis created by the ongoing conflict.