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UPDATE: Happy anniversary Occupy!

October 15, 2011 – with 500 others at the start of Occupy Ottawa!

October 15, 2011 – with 500 others at the start of Occupy Ottawa!

Happy one-year anniversary to the Occupy movement! As I look back, I’m pleased that we had more than 25 chapters and all of our organizers participate in Occupations across the country; our annual general meeting visited Occupons Montreal; chairperson Maude Barlow visited Occupy Ottawa, Occupons Montreal, and Occupy DC; campaigners Stuart Trew and Meera Karunananthan were at Occupy Wall Street (Meera also spent time at Occupy Amsterdam); Board member Leo Broderick was at Occupy the G8 near Camp David, Maryland; organizer Claudia Campero Arena was at Occupy Mexico City; that we supported Occupy Gatineau Park (in their efforts to save a 300-year old tree from a highway extension); and that I was able to be at Occupy DC, Occupy Washington, Occupy Porto Alegre, Occupy Ottawa and Occupons Montreal.