Brent Patterson, shown here presenting a cheque, payable to the People of Canada to the tune of $181,609,000 in deferred taxes.
The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives has reported, “The corporate sector is sitting on trillions in cash and hiding trillions in tax havens in order to ‘starve the beast’ of governments worldwide: forcing ‘austerity measures’, deregulation, privatizations, resources royalty cuts, ‘streamlining’ of environmental assessments, and further tax cuts. Like other neo-cons, Harper is actively cooperating by cutting the federal corporate tax rate, decimating Environment Canada, and making tax havens even more corporate-friendly through signing Tax Information Exchange Agreements (by which Canadian corporations can set up subsidiaries in other countries in order to repatriate profits back to the Canadian parent-company tax-free).”
When Andrea Calver was the coordinator of the Ontario Coalition for Social Justice she organized a bus tour to various corporate head offices in Toronto to protest how corporations evade paying taxes. Eye Weekly reported in February 1999, “The Ontario Coalition for Social Justice invited fun-loving taxpayers to hop aboard the Corporate Freedom Bus Tour and protest the inconsistency that sees gigantic corporations pay less than 15 per cent income tax while citizens must pay at least 30. …The tour eventually hit major Tory friends Mackenzie Financial. The Mackenzie representative balked at the sight of Brent Patterson, shown here presenting a cheque, payable to the People of Canada to the tune of $181,609,000 in deferred taxes.”
Maybe it’s time for actions like this to draw public attention to Harper’s corporate friends and how they benefit from his tax policies, http://contests.eyeweekly.com/eye/issue/issue_02.04.99/news_views/thepark.php?