On October 22, the Indignez-Vous! Hope in Resistance conference in Montreal adopted a draft call to action.
That statement, in part, says, “We stand with each other, with the Indignez movements in Europe, and with the occupiers of Wall Street, Bay Street, Montreal, Vancouver and the thousands of others worldwide. We stand with our trade union sisters and brothers who are fighting to maintain worker rights won many years ago. We are inspired by the Arab Spring to demand real democracy from our leaders. We commit to working with Indigenous peoples to bring about a new society designed to serve our common goals and aspirations. We will strive to live better, to de-globalize, to think strategically and sustainably. We will stand and resist and hope. We will act for justice. We are already building a better world, which we see is possible. We invite you to join us.”
To read the complete draft call to action in English and French, please go here.
In the coming weeks, the draft call to action will be updated to reflect the suggestions from the floor. Look for that soon.
To watch an on-line video of ‘Panel 6, Indignez-Vous! A Call to Action’, please go to http://www.livestream.com/rabbletv/video?clipId=flv_e740f4d5-0a5b-4708-9ad5-fe05c0fb37fa or http://www.livestream.com/rabbletv2/video?clipId=flv_2e038714-5c18-482b-a0de-47adfef43dbf.
Indignez-Vous!, held this past October 21-22, was organized by The Council of Canadians/ Le Conseil des Canadiens, Alternatives, Eau Secours!, Association québécoise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique (AQLPA), and Médecins Quebecois pour la regime publique (MQRP). The conference explored how we can work together as civil society movements in Canada, Québec, and the First Nations to create positive alternatives to a system that makes profits more important than people and the planet.
As a tangible step post-Indignez-Vous!, the Council of Canadians met on October 25 – just days after the conference – with Quebec-based allies, including Alternatives, Centrale des syndicats nationaux (CSN), and FĂ©dĂ©ration nationale des enseignants et enseignantes du QuĂ©bec (FNEEQ-CSN), to explore the idea of a Canada-Quebec-First Nations social forum. We will be meeting with Quebec groups again to further this discussion on November 14 (today) in Montreal. More on the October 25 meeting in Montreal at http://canadians.org/blog/?p=11461.
The Council of Canadians will also continue to work with our key Quebec allies on specific campaign issues, including Eau Secours!, L’Association pour la Taxation des Transactions financiĂšres pour l’Aide aux Citoyens/ ATTAC-Quebec, RĂ©seau quĂ©bĂ©cois sur lâintĂ©gration continentale (RQIC), Association quĂ©bĂ©coise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphĂ©rique (AQLPA), MĂ©decins Quebecois pour la regime publique (MQRP), and Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique (SCFP).