Photo by Gerry Kahrmann, PNG, Vancouver Sun
This Saturday Aprill 30, a work party will begin to construct a village to stand in the way of the South Fraser highway. That will be the ninth day of the South Fraser Protection Camp on the planned route of the highway. Tools and supplies will be provided but more are always welcome.
The $2 billion, 40-kilometre four-lane highway project from Deltaport Way to the Golden Ears Bridge will pollute the environment, pave farmland, increase greenhouse gas emissions, scar the banks of the Fraser River, and damage Indigenous heritage sites. Surrey Now reported in late-March, “Great swaths of tall trees have been cut down to make way for the South Fraser Perimeter Road, transforming the once lush hillside to a scene reminiscent of the cratered war fields of 1917 Belgium. Locals knew it was going to happen, but to actually see the extensive clear-cutting, and the mud and wreckage the machinery has left behind, is hard to take in.”
To join the South Fraser Protection Camp work party, please go to 10675 River Road in Delta starting at about 9 am PT on Saturday.
The Council of Canadians Delta-Richmond, Surrey-White Rock-Langley, and Vancouver-Burnaby chapters have all been involved in this action.
For more information, go to www.StopThePave.org or www.canadians.org and click on the ‘South Fraser Protection Camp’ tab. On the Council of Canadians site, you will also see Tweets with updates from the camp.