Raúl Álvarez
I’ve just returned from a screening of the documentary ‘Land Awakening’ at a friend’s home in Chelsea, Quebec with about 25 other people, including the film’s director Raúl Álvarez. As noted on the film’s website, “Inspired by his son’s voyage to learn about organic farming in Spain, Mexican-Canadian filmmaker Raúl Álvarez embarks on his own quest finding how chemical agriculture creates deserts, and Wild Nature provides far more nutritious foods when we stop controlling it. Raúl’s odyssey expands around the Mediterranean and Canada, warmly portraying compelling characters living sustainably. He meets experts breaking paradigms and taboos on agriculture, wild plants and marketing food, making his journey deeply inspiring.”
The film does not yet have a distributer, so Raúl is taking the film to community screenings. If you have the opportunity to see this deeply hopeful and inspiring film, please do so. Economist and author Brewster Kneen, who many of you will be familiar with, says of the film, “It’s beautiful – visually and philosophically. Wonderful characters… absolutely wonderful.” You will also likely see links to the rights of nature and other areas of the Council of Canadians campaign work.
To see clips from the film, please go to http://landawakening.com/teasers/. To visit the website for the film, go to http://landawakening.com/.