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UPDATE: Little to celebrate when Nestle ‘celebrates’ World Water Day

Nestle Waters issued a media release today that states the corporation is marking World Water Day and the United Nations theme of ‘Cooperating for Water’ this year. In fact, Nestle Waters CEO John J. Harris even claims, “Cooperation around water flows throughout Nestle Waters…”

Maude Barlow and Meera Karunananthan recently wrote, “Big business has had increasing access to decision-making on water issues at the international level through high-level public-private bodies such as the CEO Water Mandate at the United Nations, the Water Resources Group headed by Nestlé Chair Peter Brabeck and the World Water Council created at the behest of multinational water corporations. Given this context, water justice advocates are naturally suspicious when corporations line up to support ‘water cooperation’ at the UN.”

The Council of Canadians is organizing for water justice on World Water Day in 35 communities across this country. Numerous chapters will be hosting community screenings of ‘Bottled Life’, a documentary explicitly critical of Nestle’s water business.

For more, please read:
Water justice instead of business cooperation
UPDATE: Council and allies challenge Nestle water takings in Ontario
UPDATE: Karunananthan challenges Nestle chair on his right to water views
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