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UPDATE: ‘Reclaim Power!’ action tomorrow morning

It’s just past midnight now here in Copenhagen and we are all getting ready for the big action tomorrow morning.

At 8:00 am (2:00 am EST) we will be joining with likely thousands of others at Taarnby Station to march to the Bella Center (where the official climate ‘talks’ are taking place).

The delegates attending the summit there are being asked to walk out and join us at 10:00 am (4:00 am EST). It is known that many will do so.

Then together the plan is to hold a people’s assembly for climate justice starting at 12:00 noon (6:00 am EST) outside the Bella Center for the remainder of the day.

As noted in the flyer for the action, “The assembly will give a voice to those who are not being heard, it will be an opportunity to change the agenda, to discuss the real solutions and to send a clear message to the world calling for climate justice.”

For the last several days the police in Copenhagen have been making ‘pre-emptive’ arrests and there is real concern about what they will do tomorrow.

We will keep you posted as the morning progresses.