Silnicki and Giles pose questions to Ramey
This weekend, Council of Canadians health care campaigner Adrienne Silnicki and Atlantic organizer Angela Giles were at the Nova Scotia Citizens Health Care Network annual general meeting in Halifax. Silnicki led a discussion on the 2014 Canada Health Accord and how to move our agenda forward.
The Nova Scotia Minister of Health and Wellness Maureen MacDonald was to attend to speak about her vision of the Accord, but instead sent Ministerial Assistant to the Department of Health Gary Ramey. He is the MLA who represents Lunenburg West in the Nova Scotia House of Assembly.
While he didn’t answer Adrienne’s question about the renewal of the Accord nor Angela’s question about the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), he did promise to speak with Minister MacDonald and have answers within two weeks.
Stay tuned.