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UPDATE: Trew on 6-city tour against ‘trade’ deals

Council of Canadians trade campaigner Stuart Trew began a six-city speaking tour against the Harper government’s trade agenda last night in Kelowna.

He writes, “The Harper government has signed, is negotiating and is hoping to ratify a variety of new corporate rights treaties that promote and lock in the rights of corporations to make a profit while undermining communities’ abilities to make decisions in their own interest. Like NAFTA before them, these deals are not about trade. Every new agreement further entrenches a corporate vision of deregulation, resource exploitation and privatization. These ‘next generation’ deals include the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) with the European Union, the 12-country Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations that Canada joined this past December, and countless investor rights pacts, like the one with China, called Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements (FIPA / FIPPA).”

Trew will also visit:

  • Langley, May 24
  • Nanaimo, May 25
  • Campbell River, May 26
  • Courtenay, May 27
  • Powell River, May 28

The Nanaimo Bulletin notes, “The public is invited to an evening with Stuart Trew, trade campaigner with the Council of Canadians, and Brenda Sayer, Hupacasath First Nation, (on Saturday May 25). …Sayer presents an update on the constitutional challenge the Hupacasath First Nation has launched against FIPA.”

For more, please read:
EVENTS: CETA, FIPA, TPP: The New Face of Corporate Power
The New Face of Corporate Power tour
Public discussion on ‘CETA, FIPA, TPP: The New Face of Corporate Power’