The film Water Makes Money premieres today with more than 40 screenings across Europe and an additional 100 screenings scheduled in the coming weeks.
As noted on their website, “The film Water Makes Money will cast light on explosive new developments (against water privatization and in favour of reclaiming water as a public trust). It will show what Paris and other French communities have learned from the rule of Veolia & Co., and how they have managed to retake control of the water. Examples from Europe and America expand the film into a teaching example for the entire world! ‘Water Makes Money’ will provide encouragement: Water in the hands of the people is possible!”
The Council of Canadians and the Blue Planet Project are helping to promote the film, as are our friends and allies at Food & Water Watch, Eau Secours, and Greenpeace, to name just a few. (You will see our logo on their website.)
To see a trailer of the film, please go to To see a map of the many cities in which it will be screening, please go to
It is our hope to make this film available to chapters and local communities in Canada later in the fall. The DVD will be available in November. Given it addresses the experience of Veolia in Paris, the film may become part of our campaign against Veolia’s wastewater contract in Winnipeg.