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UPDATE: Week of Action against CETA, Oct. 17-21

A ninth and possibly final full round of Canada-European Union free trade negotiations will take place in Ottawa this October 17 to 21. The Trade Justice Network and Quebec Network on Continental Integration (RQIC) invite you to participate in a Week of Action on CETA in the capital to show our collective opposition to the Harper government’s EU trade agenda.

A steering committee representing both networks has been meeting weekly since late August to plan an engaging set of events and actions which so far includes:

– A CETA Roundtable, Monday, October 17, 10 am: The members of TJN and RQIC networks, and their allies, will meet to collectively strategize around the current moment in the CETA negotiations, and determine which efforts will be most effective in these last few months before Harper hopes to sign a deal with the EU.

– A Public Debate with Trade MPs, Tuesday, October 18, 3:30 pm: Confirmed MPs so far include NDP Trade Critic Robert Chisholm and Liberal Trade Critic Wayne Easter. We are hoping Trade Minister Ed Fast will join them, along with Sam Hamad, minister of economic development in the Quebec government. The debate on CETA will take place downtown Ottawa, with simultaneous translation into English and French. Venue TBD.

– A Public Event: Canada’s Communities are Not For Sale, Wednesday, October 19, 7pm: Maude Barlow of the Council of Canadians and Paul Moist of the Canadian Union of Public Employees continue their Canadian CETA tour in Ottawa at St. Paul’s University campus on Main Street. More details at or

More soon!