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VIDEO: Indignez-Vous! conference

The first videos from the Indignez-Vous! Hope in Resistance conference are becoming available now.

To see uncut livestream footage from the conference, please go to or

To see Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, spokesperson for ASSE (Quebec student union), speaking about the fight against rising tuition fees in Quebec at the Indignez-vous conference,

And to see the Raging Grannies perform at the conference, and

Indignez-Vous! was organized by The Council of Canadians/ Le Conseil des Canadiens, Alternatives, Eau Secours!, Association québécoise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique (AQLPA), and Médecins Quebecois pour la regime publique (MQRP). The conference explored how we can work together as civil society movements in Canada, Québec, and the First Nations to create positive alternatives to a system that makes profits more important than people and the planet.

For more on the conference this past weekend, please go to

More soon.