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VIDEO: Message from Canadians to Americans on universal health care

The Globe and Mail reports today that, “There are no death panels, no reference to ‘Obamacare’ and no Shona Holmes. But vocal advocates of Canada’s health-care system have shot back at American detractors with a tamer brand of YouTube video, intended to correct what they see as misconceptions about Canada’s health resources being batted about in the heated United States health-care debate.”

“The eight-minute video clip features interview segments with former Saskatchewan premier Roy Romanow, the president of the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions, members of Canadian Doctors for Medicare, and other physicians and researchers extolling Canada’s ‘real’ universal health-care system, and expressing bemusement that it could meet anything but praise and envy south of the border.”

“Canadian health care has become a lightning rod in the debate over U.S. health care ignited by President Barack Obama’s vow to reform the country’s system. Canada’s role heated up when Shona Holmes of Waterdown, Ont., appeared in a commercial sponsored by the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, claiming she had to travel to the U.S. to seek medical treatment for her brain tumour, and would have died had she waited to obtain care in Canada. The clip sparked strident condemnation in Canada, where Ms. Holmes was branded a traitor, and further fuelled rhetoric decrying ‘socialized’ health care in the U.S.”

“The clip (see web-link below) helpfully titled ‘Universal health-care message to Americans from Canadian doctors and health-care experts’ has been viewed more than 26,000 times since it was posted Aug. 22.”

The video can be viewed at

The Globe and Mail on-line article (which also features the web-link to the video) can be read at