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VIDEO: The People’s Summit on Enbridge Northern Gateway Project in Kelowna, BC

The People’s Summit on Enbridge Northern Gateway Project was held on January 26, 2013 in Kelowna, BC.

The Kelowna Capital News reports, “Local opponents to the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline came out in force, filling a local church to hear five prominent speakers denounce the project, as well as blast the federal and provincial governments for they have handled the issue. About 400 people packed into First United Church to hear Green Party leader and Saanich-Gulf Islands MP Elizabeth May, provincial NDP environment critic and Victoria-Swan Lake MLA Rob Fleming, filmmaker and environmental journalist Damien Gillis and Grand Chief Stewart Philip, president of the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs and his wife, aboriginal activist Joan Phillip speak. …The audience who showed up for the meeting— hosted by the local chapter of the Council of Canadians and First United Church—were fully in support of all the points made by the speakers and gave them a standing ovation at the end.”

To see a series of videos from the People’s Summit, please go to