Abby Martin is the host of RT America’s ‘Breaking the Set’ program.
RT, also known as Russia Today, is an international multilingual Russian-based television network. The channel broadcasts through 30 satellite and 500 cable operators to 550 million people in over 100 countries. RT America is available to 85 million people in the United States. In 2011 it was the second most-watched foreign news channel in the U.S. after BBC World News In 2012 it was the number one foreign station in five U.S. urban areas.
A few weeks ago, Martin was critical of Nestle for its corporate takeover of water. As a result, RT received a ‘vaguely threatening letter’ from Nestle.
To watch Martin’s rebuttal against Nestle, please go to here. It includes, a video message from ‘Stephanie at Nestle’, who appears to be speaking from the Nestle corporate head office in Vevey, Switzerland.
Notably, at the 2:20 minute and 3:52 minute point in the video, our campaign against Nestle water takings in Ontario is referenced.