Bamoos Lake. Photo courtesy of Michael Butler.
Northern Ontario Business reported in June 2009 that Marathon PGM is looking at developing a base metal-copper deposit with a “$385 million mine and mill, hopefully sometime in 2010” near Marathon, Ontario, on the north shore of Lake Superior.
The newspaper reported that, “The company is in the midst of a full environmental assessment which started last fall and is expected to take two years.”
It appears that Marathon PGM is proposing the use of nearby Bamoos Lake as a tailings impoundment area for this mine.
A fishers’ website with a map of the lake, notes, “Bamoos Lake is a lake located just 5.9 miles from Marathon, in the province of Ontario, Canada. Fishermen will find a variety of fish including chinook salmon, yellow bass and northern pike here. Whether you’re fly fishing, bait casting or spinning your chances of getting a bite here are good.” That’s at http://www.hookandbullet.com/fishing-bamoos-lake-marathon-on/.
The Ojibways of the Pic River First Nation are near Bamoos Lake, http://www.picriver.com/index.pl?page=72&top=1.
The newspaper article – which states, “An open pit mine would be a real economic boost to the Town of Marathon, hard hit by the loss of its pulp mill last winter” – can be read at http://www.northernontariobusiness.com/Industry-News/mining/Hope-floats-in-Marathon225.aspx.
To read about the Council of Canadians campaign against Schedule 2 tailing impoundment areas, please go to http://canadians.org/TIA.