A Canadians for Action on Climate Change media release states that, “On November 10, 2009 the Municipal Council of London, Ontario signed an emergency resolution urging the federal government of Canada to take action on climate change. Canadians for Action on Climate Change in solidarity with Council of Canadians and the David Suzuki Foundation have since been advocating that citizens, other NGOS and other civil society groups urge other towns and cities to do the same.”
We are very pleased to share their news with you that on November 20 the Federation of Canadian Municipalities approved an emergency resolution on municipal leadership in climate change action.
The efforts of London chapter activists with the Canadians for Action on Climate Change were critical in moving this resolution forward.
The Council of Canadians also contributed to this effort through the widely circulated ‘ACTION ALERT: Demand municipal action for climate justice’. That alert can be read at http://canadians.org/action/2009/18-Nov-09.html.
And you can read the letter sent by Council of Canadians chairperson Maude Barlow and energy campaigner Andrea Harden-Donahue urging the FCM to approve the emergency resolution at http://canadians.org/energy/documents/climatejustice/Letter-Fed-Can-Municipalities-1109.pdf.
The FCM resolution that was passed calls on the Government of Canada to recognize and support municipal leadership and action in greenhouse gas reduction as part of Canada’s efforts to meet national or international climate change objectives. The FCM resolution sends a clear message to the Harper government that municipalities want federal leadership on climate change and a real deal coming out of Copenhagen. The resolution can be read at http://www.fcm.ca/English/View.asp?mp=1164&x=1229.
The FCM now joins the mayors of the largest cities in Europe and the United States that have recently co-authored a mutual appeal titled, ‘The Stockholm Appeal on Climate Change’. The goal of the Stockholm Appeal is to provide a powerful statement of intent to national governments in the weeks prior to the climate summit in Copenhagen.
The FCM resolution along with the motion recently passed by the House of Commons for Canada to go to Copenhagen with a position that encompasses three points (a 25% domestic 2020 emission reduction target, adopting the 2 degree goal, and supporting developing countries in climate mitigation and adaptation) sends a clear message that the federal government’s climate change strategy is not in tune with what Canadians want.
For more information on Canadians for Action on Climate Change, please see http://canadianclimateaction.wordpress.com/about/. The David Suzuki Foundation climate change webpage is at http://www.davidsuzuki.org/climate_change/.
Our climate justice webpage is at http://canadians.org/climatejustice.
Be sure to keep advocating that your municipality adopt a climate justice resolution in the lead-up and during the climate summit in Copenhagen, and to use the FCM resolution as clear reason for supporting a municipal resolution.