The Council of Canadians Hamilton chapter worked hard over the past 78 days to get people in their community to ‘Go Vote’ this federal election – and succeeded in their efforts!
This morning, the Hamilton Spectator reports, “Hamilton’s voter turnout increased across the board from 2011, Elections Canada’s preliminary figures show. Of eligible voters across the city’s five ridings, nearly 67 per cent made it to ballot boxes, compared with about 60 per cent in 2011. The highest turnout was in Hamilton’s two new ridings: Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas, 74.06, and Flamborough-Glanbrook, 70.31 per cent.”
Those were two of the ridings where the Hamilton chapter did much of its work.
During the federal election the Hamilton chapter:
- had a Go Vote information table at their local Labour Day celebrations, Sept. 7
- participated in the ‘storm the dorm’ day of action to encourage the student vote, Sept. 9
- had a Go Vote information table at Supercrawl festival, Sept. 12
- did door-to-door canvassing in the swing riding of Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas, Sept. 15 and Sept. 24
- participated in the McMaster Volunteer Fair to promote the Go Vote youth vote campaign, Sept. 16
- took part in the Harperman sing-along, Sept. 17
- conducted street corner waves in high traffic areas on a weekly basis, Sept. 17, 21, and 28
- attended an all-candidates debate, Sept. 22
- participated in an election information table at Mohawk College, Sept. 30
- provided an information table at the Make Your Vote Count event at McMaster University on Sept. 30
- provided an information table at the International Day of Older Person on Oct. 1
- leafleted six McMcaster University residences as campus polling stations opened, Oct. 5
- had a Go Vote table at the National Farmers Union all-candidates debate in Flamborough-Glanbrook, Oct. 6
- canvassed door-to-door across from McMaster University, Oct. 1 and 6
- had a Go Vote table at Mohawk College, Oct. 7
- did a Go Vote ‘street wave’ at major intersection near Mohawk College, Oct. 8
- distributed $500 worth of Facebook and Twitter ads to targeted voters on a daily basis, Oct. 8 to Oct. 18
- blitzed three more streets around McMaster University with door-to-door canvassing, Oct. 13.
- conducted its final Go Vote street wave for over 2,000 vehicle drivers, Oct. 15.
- distributed ‘Go Vote’ signs in swing riding of Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas and other ridings
- distributed Go Vote window signs to McMaster University students
- promoted the Go Vote campaign on McMaster University campus radio
- distributed 400 election brochures in Binbrook area
- pulled the vote on election day, Oct. 19
- organized community election celebration at Homegrown Hamilton on Oct. 20
In her reflection on the election and its outcome, Council of Canadians chairperson Maude Barlow wrote, “I am so very proud of the work the Council of Canadians undertook over the last year to boost voter turnout and bring change to Ottawa. The Council’s tireless team of volunteer chapter activists organized a total of 200 election activities across 39 communities, including door-to-door canvassing, all-candidates debates, and information tables at community events.”
For more about our democracy campaign, please click here.