On December 7, the first day of the climate negotiations in Copenhagen, the Inverness County council in Nova Scotia passed an emergency resolution urging the federal government to take action on climate change.
The Inverness County council will also be sending a copy of their resolution to all municipalities in Nova Scotia in the hope that these communities will pass similar resolutions.
The new Council of Canadians Inverness County chapter was critical in moving this resolution forward.
The Council of Canadians is urging people across the country to approach their municipal leaders to pass emergency resolutions calling on the federal government to make every effort to achieve a strong international agreement on climate change at the Copenhagen negotiations.
Municipal councils across Canada stating their commitment to climate justice serves as a further incentive to the Harper government to reach an agreement in Copenhagen by December 19.
To encourage your municipal council to take action, please see our ‘Action alert: Demand municipal action for climate justice’ at http://canadians.org/action/2009/18-Nov-09.html.
You can also read about the recent Federation of Canadian Municipalities climate change resolution in ‘WIN! FCM adopts climate change resolution’ at http://canadians.org/campaignblog/?p=2267.