Photo by Patrick Hannon
The Council of Canadians Windsor-Essex chapter took part in a #DeedsNotWords gathering earlier today.
The outreach for this Idle No More cross-country day of action stated, “Justin Trudeau. It is time for DEEDS, Not WORDS, that truly respect Indigenous Rights. This government approved the Site C mega-Dam in Treaty 8 (BC Peace River region), against the objection of First Nations whose lands will be devastated by flooding, destroying access to their food, medicines, and sacred sites. Just this week, they approved the dangerous and climate-destroying Lelu Island Liquid Natural Gas plant against the wishes of local First Nations. Now under review in Alberta by a system that has never denied a tar sands mine is the Teck Frontier tar sands mine, which would be the largest ever.”
The outreach has also highlighted, “Our stand for something as basic as clean drinking water is something we demand for all people, because we know how hard it is to go without something many take for granted.”
The demands being made on the Trudeau government today include:
Implement UNDRIP in Canadian law. -
Clearly indicate it respects Indigenous Peoples’ right to say no to development on their land. (This means Free, Prior, and Informed Consent, not manipulated sham consultations). -
Stop the Site C dam. -
Close the funding deficit for First Nations now. -
Stop pipeline, gas, and oil mega-projects: build green energy, transit, and houses. -
Introduce a climate plan that respects the 1.5-2 degree temperature target that Canada helped negotiate in Paris. Adopting Harper’s emission reduction targets is a betrayal of that commitment. -
Fully fund Indigenous-owned and controlled renewable energy projects.
The “Deeds, Not Words” gathering in Windsor met at the front gate to Queen Elizabeth II Gardens at the corner of Tecumseh and Ouellette.
Chapter activist Randy Emerson has posted, “The Windsor-Essex Chapter stood with Idle No More Windsor ‘Deeds Not Words’ rally along with other actions across the country. Action needs to be taken on Indigenous issues in Canada. There have been enough treaties, commissions, inquiries and investigations. It is time to ACT, nation to nation, on issues like the ones highlighted in Pam Palmater’s blog, Urgent Situation Report on Humanitarian Crisis in Canada.”
Actions are also taking place today at the Treaty Truck House on the Shubenacadie River (the site of opposition to the Alton Gas storage project), St. John’s and Muskrat Falls (in opposition to the Muskrat Falls dam that could flood Innu traditional territory as soon as next weekend), Vancouver (in opposition to the Site C dam), Toronto (where there was a Round Dance in Dundas Square), and numerous other communities.
For more on this Indigenous Day of Action, please click here.