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Windsor-Essex chapter marches for electoral reform

The Council of Canadians Windsor-Essex chapter took part in a march for electoral reform today alongside Fair Vote Canada – Windsor chapter.

Chapter activist Randy Emerson has posted on Facebook, “Council of Canadians Windsor-Essex Chapter joined Fair Vote Windsor today for a Windsor Day of Action for National Electoral Reform. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vowed that the previous election would be the LAST First Past The Post. He has broken that vow. We have to remind him to keep his word.”

The promotion had noted, “The march will begin in Jackson Park and will conclude in front of MP Brian Masse’s office. NDP MP Windsor-Tecumseh Cheryl Hardcastle and Randy Emerson from The Council of Canadians will be speaking at our demonstration along with a few other speakers. More details to come. For those of you who cannot come out, there are other ways to have your voice heard. Please follow this link and add your name to the 120,000 signature strong petition E-616. Another method is to email Prime Minister Trudeau directly:”

Following Trudeau’s announcement on February 1 that his Liberal government would not move forward on electoral reform:

  • the Montreal chapter rallied for proportional representation outside his constituency office (February 2),

  • the Saint John chapter wrote the prime minister and their local Liberal MP to express their disappointment (February 3),

  • the Montreal and Ottawa chapters protested on Parliament Hill (February 5),

  • the Fredericton chapter took part in an “ER Tweetstorm and call-bliz” (February 8),

  • the Quill Plains (Wynyard) chapter has been promoting the House of Commons e-petition on electoral reform,

  • the London chapter attended morning and evening daily rallies in front of the constituency offices of two local Liberal MPs (February 6 to 10),

  • fourteen chapters took part in a national day of action (February 11),

  • the London chapter participated in a protest in front of Liberal MP Kate Young’s office (February 15),

  • the Hamilton chapter met with the federal Minister of Democratic Institutions Karina Gould (February 17),

  • the Sudbury chapter wrote in a letter to the editor that Liberal MP Paul Lefebvre’s excuse for abandoning electoral reform was unacceptable (February 22).

  • and now the Windsor-Essex chapter took part in this march for electoral reform (February 26).

The Council of Canadians continues to call on the prime minister to make good on his October 2015 election campaign promise to introduce electoral reform legislation by this coming May.

The next federal election is scheduled to take place on October 21, 2019.