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World Water Day Action: Take a picture of an unprotected lake in your community!

For World Water Day, take a photo beside a lake or river that is no longer protected by the federal government or that is threatened by one of the 3000 scrapped environmental assessments. We want to send a message to the Harper government that we will protect these waters even if the federal government will not.

For pictures, hold a sign that says “We pledge to protect [name of lake] because Harper’s budget bill leaves this lake unprotected under the Navigable Waters Protection Act,” or “Because of Harper’s budget bills, [name of lake] is now threatened by a pipeline,” or a similar message.

Be sure to share the Facebook event with your friends!

Harper’s 2012 omnibus budget bills scrapped 3000 project reviews that were required by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, putting water sources at risk by reducing environmental oversight of new pipeline and other development projects. The bills also gutted the Fisheries Act and removed protections from 99 per cent of the lakes and rivers in Canada by amending the Navigable Waters Protection Act (NPWA). Recent documents have show that the pipeline industry pushed for changes in the NWPA.

Submit your photos to our Flickr album so we can show the lakes and rivers that are in danger across Canada and that we are committed to protecting the lakes and rivers for current and future generations.