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You can help make Vancouver a Blue Community

Next week, Vancouver City Council has the opportunity to protect our water as a human right and public trust. I need your help to make it happen.

On March 11, your city councillors will debate whether to make Vancouver a Blue Community. This project, started by the Council of Canadians and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) over ten years ago, encourages communities to recognize water and sanitation as a human right, phase out bottled water in municipal facilities and at events, and promote publicly owned and operated water and wastewater services.

With the support of tens of thousands of Council of Canadians supporters like you, the Blue Communities Project has grown from an initiative focusing on Canadian municipalities into a global movement. Cities and towns around the world like Paris, Berlin, Bern and Los Angeles have become Blue Communities, and so have institutions like the World Council of Churches and McGill University.

You can join over 23 million people around the world who have made a positive commitment to protect water as a human right for future generations. This is a very positive opportunity for Vancouver to demonstrate its commitment to the environment and addressing climate change. Tell Vancouver City Council to keep water in public hands and say no to wasteful bottled water.

Will you write your city councillors today and ask them to vote in favour of Vancouver becoming a Blue Community?

The Council of Canadians, chapter activists and our allies have worked hard to put this motion on Vancouver City Council’s agenda. Together, you and I can build a grassroots water protection movement in our communities and around the world.