Our in-house magazine, reports on the work of the Council and explores the important political developments affecting Canadians and the world around us. Articles written by a wide range of leading thinkers make Canadian Perspectives a valuable activist resource.

Latest issue of Canadian Perspectives
We’re pleased to share with you three feature articles from our new issue of Canadian Perspectives magazine. Canadian Perspectives is a perk of membership with the Council and this issue features articles on some of the most pressing issues facing our communities, country and planet.

How we’re flipping the script on universal pharmacare
Our grassroots movement has been taking the pharmacare issue directly to communities across Canada. From London, Ontario, to Powell River, B.C., the town hall tour has sparked conversations and garnered support for a public, universal pharmacare program. Through personal stories and strategic education, activists are reshaping the narrative, highlighting the human impact of high drug costs, and mobilizing a collective demand for accessible and affordable health care.

To win a just transition, we need to dream big—and organize big
Earlier this year, the government tabled the Sustainable Jobs Act, after years of collective organizing from a broad of coalition of people in Canada asking for just transition legislation. But while this is a win for our movements, the proposed legislation falls short and our work remains unfinished. Read more about continued grassroots organizing to demand a bolder vision that addresses systemic changes and ensures a comprehensive just transition that prioritizes affected workers and communities over the interests of Big Oil CEOs.

Going Blue: Turning the tide on water privatization
Amidst the persistent threat of the privatization of public water systems, communities have turned blue! The Blue Communities Project encourages municipalities and Indigenous communities to pass resolutions that protect water as a human right and advocate for publicly-owned water services, embracing the principle that water is a common good that is to be shared by all.
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Editions of Canadian Perspectives
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