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Council of Canadians to recognize Saskatoon community organizers with tree planting and awards

As part of the upcoming conference in Saskatoon, Groundswell: Grassroots Power in the Age of Extreme Energy, the Council of Canadians will be holding several events recognizing the leadership of local community organizers and organizations, as well as leaving a legacy of support for their continuing efforts. The four-day Groundswell conference will highlight the power of communities in Saskatchewan and across Canada to stand up to corporations and governments to protect our environment, our jobs and our democracy.


WHAT: The Council of Canadians is presenting the people of Saskatoon with a young tree as a legacy gift to the community, symbolizing both the fragility and resiliency of our environment, and our inter-generational duty to respect and care for it.

WHEN: 2:00 p.m. to 2:20 p.m., Thursday, October 24.

WHERE: On the Meewasin Trail behind the Water Treatment Plant, Saskatoon, SK.

WHO: Guests include Mayor Don Atchison; City Councillors Pat Lorje, Mairin Loewen, and Charlie Clark; Council of Canadians Executive Director Garry Neil; Karen Rooney (Council of Canadians – Saskatoon Chapter), Rick Sawa (Council of Canadians Board Member); Amber Burton, Dianne Rhodes, and Kaitlyn Harvey (Saskatchewan Eco Network); and Doug Porteous from Meewasin (a South Saskatchewan River Valley conservation agency).


WHAT: Presentation of the Council of Canadians System Change Legacy Award to Saskatoon’s Core Neighbourhood Youth Co-op (CNYC). Dave Shanks, Executive Director, and Jami Young, Chair of the CNYC Board of Directors, will accept the legacy award on behalf of the CNYC.

WHEN: 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m., Saturday, October 26.

WHERE: Adam Ballroom, Delta Bessborough Hotel, Saskatoon, SK.

DETAILS: In order to highlight the Council’s commitment to “System Change, Not Climate Change” the organization launched a program in 2012 to support local initiatives in host communities that demonstrate in practice what a better world will look like. The 2013 recipient of this annual legacy is the CNYC, a non-profit community service cooperative. The CNYC runs a variety of programs and the Council’s legacy award will go to support two of them:  a bike repair co-op and the urban gardening project.  The Core Neighbourhood Youth Co-op is an example of the exciting community initiatives multiplying across the country and around the world that offer real change and hope for the future.


WHAT: Awards will be presented to community activists and organizations in Saskatchewan in recognition of their outstanding efforts to build a better world.

WHEN: 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Saturday, October 26.

WHERE: Adam Ballroom, Delta Bessborough Hotel, Saskatoon, SK.

DETAILS: Nettie Wiebe (Professor of Church and Society at St. Andrew's College, University of Saskatchewan) will be presented with the Maude Barlow Founder’s Award. Activist of the Year Awards will be presented to Idle No More (to be accepted by the co-founders Nina Wilson, Sylvia McAdam, Jessica Gordon and Sheelah McLean) and the Committee for Future Generations (a campaign to raise awareness of the real risks of the nuclear waste repository being proposed in northern Saskatchewan).
