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Harper-era climate destroying agenda resumes as Trudeau OKs two pipelines

Ottawa, ON – Council of Canadians Energy and Climate Campaigner Daniel Cayley-Daoust had this to say about today’s pipeline announcement:

“The writing has been on the wall for some time. The Trudeau government has carefully crafted an agenda that would provide cover for the approval of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain and Enbridge’s Line 3 pipelines since its election last fall. So-called sunny ways have turned out to be an illusion to cover up a Harper-like agenda in support of an ailing fossil fuel industry. Trudeau’s claim to climate leadership is no more.”

“The Council of Canadians reiterates its commitment to building a cleaner and healthier economy and to block these devastating pipelines. We will support the fight led by indigenous communities across Canada to prevent the construction of pipelines on their territories. Indeed they are the ones leading the charge against climate change and to protect water.”

“On the other hand the long overdue termination of Enbridge’s Northern Gateway is a testament to the incredible efforts of Indigenous communities and residents in B.C. to block this project early on and hold fast. It is a victory to be celebrated by all water protectors.”
