Book critically examines the impact of corporatization on the public sector
The upcoming launch of Corporatizing Canada: Making Business Out of Public Service, will feature a discussion on how corporatization has transformed water management, the National Energy Board and pipeline regulation in Canada.
The book launch will be at the Biblio Wakefield Library, 38 Valley Drive, Wakefield, QC (Map) on Thursday, November 22 at 7 p.m.
Emma Lui and Jamie Brownlee will examine how corporatization has been implemented in different ways across the Canadian public sector and how that has threatened democratic decision-making and the public at large.
Lui is a La Pêche resident, a water campaigner for the Council of Canadians, and a contributor to the book. Brownlee is an editor, teacher and researcher on corporate crime, environmental politics and climate change at Carleton University
Hosted by the La Pêche Women's March Network, the Wakefield Library and the Council of Canadians.
Copies of Corporatizing Canada can be purchased at these book tour events or online through the publisher.
For more information, contact Emma Lui, water campaigner, for the Council of Canadians at or 613-617-6799.