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Possible NAFTA energy proportionality extension to Mexico puts climate in grave danger, says Council of Canadians

70% of Canadians want energy proportionality removed from NAFTA

Today, in response to news reports that the proportionality chapter of NAFTA – which forces Canada to export quotas of energy to the United States – might be extended to Mexico during renegotiations, the Council of Canadians is available for comment.

“We are deeply disappointed in two things: that our government has not eliminated this for Canadians, and that they are taking a climate toxic provision and imposing it on Mexico,” says Maude Barlow, Honorary Chairperson of the Council of Canadians. “Extending the proportional sharing chapters to Mexico locks in a fossil fuel future.  It doesn’t give us the ability to conserve our energy, but rather serves corporate interests. This is totally out of step with our Paris climate commitments and meaningful action on the climate crisis.”

“The proportional energy chapter isn’t just dangerous in terms of our ability to protect the planet, combined with Mexico’s privatization of their energy industry and the loss of their domestic sovereignty over their oil, a potent combination for more pollution. In Mexico, there is a large push for fracking,” adds Sujata Dey, Trade Campaigner with the Council of Canadians, “Any wording around the Paris climate deal is meaningless with these provisions still in place.”

“This is further evidence the Trudeau government is building a brand as a climate leader while enacting decisions that completely undermine effective climate action,” adds Andrea Harden-Donahue, Energy and Climate Campaigner with the Council of Canadians. “Sure, speeches that sound progressive are good but they are simply words if they are not matched with action. We can’t allow corporations the right to sue over public policy and drive energy decisions like we have for the past 23 years while reducing climate pollution. It just won’t happen.”


For more information:

Andrea Harden-Donahue, Energy Campaigner, 613 793-5488

Sujata Dey, Trade Campaigner, 613 796-7724

Read more about NAFTA’s energy proportionality rule
