Groundswell 2018, taking place June 22-23, will highlight the power of communities in Ottawa, throughout Ontario, and across Canada to challenge the Trudeau government on its growing list of broken promises.
From the Trudeau government’s failure to protect lakes and rivers from Big Oil, to meet internationally-stated climate pollution reduction targets, to provide true consultation on “free trade” negotiations, to make our electoral system democratic, and to fully implement the rights of Indigenous peoples – promises have been made, but not kept.
WHAT: In just over two weeks, Groundswell 2018: From Awareness to Action – the Council of Canadians annual conference – will bring together civil society groups, unions, Indigenous peoples and others to put forward a positive vision of a better tomorrow and to organize to make it happen.
- Maude Barlow, Honorary Chairperson, The Council of Canadians
- Linda McQuaig, Journalist and Author
- Kanahus Manuel, Secwepemc Nation activist
- Elaine Bernard, Executive Director, Harvard University Labour and Worklife Program
WHEN & WHERE: Groundswell 2018 takes place June 22 and 23 at Ottawa City Hall and Capital Hill Hotel and Suites.
The full conference agenda is available here.
For more information or to arrange interviews:
Dylan Penner, Media Officer, Council of Canadians, 613-795-8685, Twitter: @CouncilOfCDNs