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Water event to examine Nestlé, the Great Lakes, and London becoming a Blue Community


WHAT: Water advocates Emma Lui and Waasekom (Edward George) will be in London, Ontario on Wednesday to discuss water crises in the Great Lakes Basin and beyond at the event, What do water, the Great Lakes and the election have in common? This event is hosted by the London chapter of Council of Canadians, Blue Communities London, the London Health Coalition and Hydro One Not for Sale – London Chapter.


  • Emma Lui is a water campaigner for the Council of Canadians and a contributor to the new book, Corporatizing Canada: Making Business out of Public Service. She will speak about Nestlé’s water takings, the Blue Communities Project, and other water issues from her chapter in Corporatizing Canada.
  • Waasekom (Edward George) is a water advocate, community organizer and ceremonial helper from the south eastern shoreline of Lake Huron, Saugeen First Nation. He will speak on the inherent Life and Personhood of our great ancestor Lake Huron and the water.

WHEN: Wednesday, October 17 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. The event takes place on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabeg, Haudenosaunee, Lenape, Attawandaron and Huron-Wendat peoples.

WHERE: Mary Campbell Housing Co-op, Common Room, 587 Talbot St. (at Central), London, Ontario.

WHY: With the municipal election next Monday, it is a critical time to talk about the importance protecting water, including the Thames River and the Great Lakes Basin.The water crisis is front and centre in London, including the nearby Nestlé water takings controversy and increasing stresses on the Great Lakes, and drought conditions threatening some communities throughout the province this summer. A group of residents called Blue Communities London wants the municipality to join a growing global movement to protect the UN-recognized human right to water by becoming a Blue Community.


For more information or to arrange interviews:

Dylan Penner, Media Officer, Council of Canadians, 613-795-8685, Twitter: @CouncilOfCDNs