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Bulk Water Exports

Given that Canada and the United States share interconnected water systems, there is pressure to send water to serve drought-prone areas in the U.S. through bulk water exports. These projects are tremendously costly, require vast amounts of energy, and pose great threats to watersheds. Bulk water exports and diversions would leave Canada’s water vulnerable to environmental depletion and to international trade challenges that could permanently open the floodgates to parched U.S. states.

NEWS: Ignatieff fails to recognize the right to water

NEWS: Ignatieff fails to recognize the right to water

In Winnipeg today, Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff failed to support the need to recognize the right to water in Canada ...
How does the Liberal Party’s platform fare on water issues in Canada?

How does the Liberal Party’s platform fare on water issues in Canada?

The Liberal Party launched their platform this past Sunday. The following are highlights on their platform on water issues. National ...
NEWS: Comox Valley chapter marks World Water Day

NEWS: Comox Valley chapter marks World Water Day

The Comox Valley Echo reports, "Dan Vie and his four-year-old daughter Ruby were among those comparing and contrasting the taste ...
NEWS: Chretien's comments on water exports draws rebuke from Barlow

NEWS: Chretien’s comments on water exports draws rebuke from Barlow

The Globe and Mail reports, "Former prime minister Jean Chrétien says it is time for Canadians to debate whether they ...
NEWS: Bulk water exports from Alaska to begin in a few months

NEWS: Bulk water exports from Alaska to begin in a few months

Newsweek reports that Blue Lake near Sitka, Alaska, holds trillions of gallons of pure water. "In a few months, if ...
NEWS: Former CIBC chief economist promotes bulk water exports

NEWS: Former CIBC chief economist promotes bulk water exports

Former Jeff Rubin, former chief economist at CIBC World Markets, writes in the Globe and Mail today that, “Canada is ...
NEWS: Council counters Fraser report promoting bulk water exports

NEWS: Council counters Fraser report promoting bulk water exports

The Vancouver-based Fraser Institute has released a report by Diane Katz that says Canada has an abundance of water and ...
UPDATE: National Post promotes bulk water exports

UPDATE: National Post promotes bulk water exports

Today - World Water Day - the National Post editorial board writes in support of bulk water exports. THINK-TANK PROPOSALS ...