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Canada-EU (CETA)

Canada and the European Union began negotiating the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) in 2009. It is a “next generation” free trade and investment pact that is better understood as a corporate power grab. CETA is a way to further deregulate and privatize the Canadian economy while increasing corporate power and undermining Canadian and European efforts to address the climate crisis.

New report outlines the threat of CETA’s corporate rights protections

New report outlines the threat of CETA’s corporate rights protections

The Council of Canadians and more than a dozen European and Canadian organizations today simultaneously released a new report that ...
Trading Away Democracy report calls for CETA's investor-state rules to be rejected

Trading Away Democracy report calls for CETA’s investor-state rules to be rejected

The Council of Canadians has been working with numerous organizations in Canada, Quebec and Europe on a 20-page report released ...
Coalition takes citizens initiative on CETA to the European Court of Justice

Coalition takes citizens initiative on CETA to the European Court of Justice

About 100 people held a demonstration against CETA and TTIP in front of the European Court of Justice ...
Harper sneaks through Canada-China FIPA, locks Canada in for 31 years

Harper sneaks through Canada-China FIPA, locks Canada in for 31 years

In the world of official government announcements, a two-paragraph media release sent out in the late afternoon on the Friday ...
Factsheet: No More NAFTAs! No to CETA-TPP-FIPA-FTA…

Factsheet: No More NAFTAs! No to CETA-TPP-FIPA-FTA…

Twenty years of a failed free trade agenda is too much. It’s time to say “no” to corporate rights deals! ...