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Hydraulic fracturing – or “fracking” as it is more commonly known – is a technique that involves the injection of millions of litres of water and thousands of litres of unidentified chemicals underground at very high pressure in order to create fractures in the underlying shale rock formations and extract the natural gas below the surface. The Council of Canadians opposes fracking because of its high water use, its high carbon emissions, its impacts on human health, the disruption it causes to wildlife, and the danger it poses to groundwater and local drinking water. We are calling for a country-wide halt on fracking operations, and work with people in communities across Canada who are saying “No fracking way!”

Council of Canadians to OEB: watch out for fracking

Council of Canadians to OEB: watch out for fracking

Today I joined Council of Canadians Board Member Steven Shrybman and Lisa Sumi, Science and Research Director with EARTHWORKs at ...