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The Council of Canadians worked for many years to oppose genetic engineering and stop the growth of factory farming in Canada.

The safety of the Canadian food supply is under threat, due to pressure from both the United States and business interests within Canada to “harmonize” our regulations with those of the U.S. Meanwhile, U.S.-based transnationals and the U.S. government are pushing an agenda of factory farming and genetically engineered food production.

Trade dispute panel decision instructs Mexico to end GM corn restrictions

Trade dispute panel decision instructs Mexico to end GM corn restrictions

Joint Press ReleaseFor Immediate ReleaseDecember 23, 2024 Cobourg, Halifax, Ottawa. December 23, 2024 – A trade dispute panel has ruled ...
Open letter supporting the right of the people of Mexico to determine their own relationship with corn

Open letter supporting the right of the people of Mexico to determine their own relationship with corn

The Council of Canadians has signed this open letter led by the National Farmer's Union in solidarity with farmers in ...
We support the right of the people of Mexico to determine their own relationship with corn

We support the right of the people of Mexico to determine their own relationship with corn

The Government of Canada is supporting a trade challenge initiated by the USA, under CUSMA, that aims to end Mexico’s ...
GMO corn Canada and U.S. bully Mexico to use GMO corn due to biotech lobby groups

Submission to Federal Government on exclusion from CUSMA dispute panel on the GM Corn Dispute

This letter has been prepared by the Trade Justice Group of the Northumberland Chapter of the Council of Canadians. The ...
GMO corn Canada and U.S. bully Mexico to use GMO corn due to biotech lobby groups

Why Mexico’s 2023 ban on GM corn is the right move

Prevented from providing research and arguments directly to the trade dispute panel, the Trade Justice Group of the Northumberland Chapter ...
Canada and US Governments Shut Down Ability of Canadian NGOs to Comment in Trade Dispute Over Mexico’s GM Corn Ban

Canada and US Governments Shut Down Ability of Canadian NGOs to Comment in Trade Dispute Over Mexico’s GM Corn Ban

“We’re extremely concerned that the US government requested we be blocked from commenting but even more concerned that the Canadian ...
GMO corn Canada and U.S. bully Mexico to use GMO corn due to biotech lobby groups

Submission on CUSMA dispute panel hearings into Mexico’s GMO corn laws

A brief to the TMEC - USMCA - CUSMA dispute panel hearings into Mexico’s GMO corn laws. Prepared by the ...
GMO corn Canada and U.S. bully Mexico to use GMO corn due to biotech lobby groups

Biotech industry influence over federal GMO regulatory decisions exposed as Canada piles on with the U.S. to bully Mexico on GM corn

As Canada joins the U.S. in challenging Mexico to stop its planned phase-out of genetically modified (GM) corn for human ...