Green Jobs
A Green New Deal for all will ensure that transformation is carried out equitably, that it is rooted in climate justice principles, that it centres the rights of Indigenous Peoples, and that it creates over a million jobs in the process. Read more.

Put People First, Demand Over 150 Canadian Organizations with the Launch of Six Principles for a Just Recovery
As governments prepare recovery plans amidst the COVID-19 crisis, an informal alliance of over 150 civil society groups, representing collective ...

Progress for Green Jobs Oshawa
Green Jobs Oshawa began campaigning to manufacture personal protective equipment (PPE) in early April, and this work led to GM signing a contract with the federal government to make 1 million surgical ...

Commit to a bold, green and just recovery
The Council of Canadians joined progressive organizations in Toronto to call on Toronto Mayor John Tory and City Councillors to ...

Bail out workers, not Big Oil bosses
Millions of people across the country are facing dual crises: trying to stay healthy during the public health emergency of ...

Put public health and wellbeing before Big Oil profits
Across B.C. and Alberta, over 100 energy megaproject work camps are continuing to operate, including Site C and the Trans ...

Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau about Oil package bailout amidst coronavirus crisis
A large collection of health, faith, environmental, labour and social justice groups, representing one million three hundred thousand Canadians, have ...

Green Economy Network calls for Throne Speech to prioritize climate jobs
Will this week’s Speech from the Throne be a meaningful step forward for climate justice and a just transition? Or ...

Network of labour, environmental and social justice groups demand Prime Minister signal significant investment in green economy in Speech from the Throne
The Green Economy Network (GEN) is calling on the federal government to make a clear commitment to invest in climate ...