Health Care Privatization
The federal government must enforce the letter and the spirit of the Canada Health Act and enact strong penalties on provinces that allow private clinics. Federal and provincial governments need to work together to ensure a strengthened public health care system that provides timely, quality health care services to all Canadians, not just for those who can afford to pay.

Don’t let Doug Ford cut your health care
You’ve likely heard that Doug Ford has tabled his first budget bill. In it, his PC party proposes deep ...

Council chapters and supporters to join massive rally for public health care in Ontario
On April 30 at noon, people from across Ontario will converge on Queen’s Park to oppose new legislation that ...

Doug Ford’s omnibus health Bill removes community control and public oversight
This guest blog was written by Natalie Mehra, Executive Director of the Ontario Health Coalition.
Doug Ford’s new health ...

Ford government announces plans to overhaul (devastate) public health care system
The Council of Canadians is an active supporter of public health care.
Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott announced the ...

Call the Health Minister on Ford’s privatization plan
This morning, our worst fears were confirmed. The Ontario NDP released yet more leaked documents that further reveal Doug ...

Leak shows Ford government plans to privatize health care
A leaked document from the Ford government shows that the Progressive Conservatives are preparing to privatize health care in ...

Health Accord loss means a new decade of our public health care being underfunded
Today the governments of Ontario, Quebec and Alberta all signed bilateral health funding deals with the Federal government. Health ...

Liberal approval of billion dollar sale of B.C. retirement-home chain ‘doesn’t pass the smell test’
Late last night Canadians got word that, “The Trudeau government has green-lighted the sale of one of British Columbia’s biggest ...