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Long-term Care

For decades — long before the COVID-19 pandemic exposed the systemic disregard for the elderly in Canada — health care advocates have been calling for federal leadership in ensuring comprehensive, accessible, and high-quality long-term care. Decades of funding cuts, privatization that puts people’s care in the hands of for-profit corporations, and weakened regulations have all contributed to a significant drop in the quality of care. Workers at long-term care homes are made vulnerable by the same issues hurting residents. Most of them women, they tell stories of impossible workloads, staffing shortages and low pay.

The Council of Canadians is bringing people from across the country together to call on the federal government to act urgently to ensure all seniors have the care they need now and in the future. People are always more important than profits. Caring for seniors and the workers who care for them is an essential part of our health care system that requires strong public oversight and funding.

Urgent action needed now for people in long-term care

Urgent action needed now for people in long-term care

COVID-19 outbreaks are continuing in long-term care homes as the second wave of the virus surges across the country. Homes ...
Doug Ford

Ford government an example of why long-term care shouldn’t be in the hands of the provinces

On July 30, 2020, the Ontario government quietly released a study on staffing in long-term care. The government-initiated report recognizes ...
(Recording) Webinar: Committing to Seniors Care: Removing the Profit Motive

(Recording) Webinar: Committing to Seniors Care: Removing the Profit Motive

Seniors Care webinar hosted by the BC Health Coalition and the Council of Canadians on November 24, 2020. This was ...
Webinar: Committing to Seniors Care: Addressing the Gaps

Webinar: Committing to Seniors Care: Addressing the Gaps

Seniors Care webinar hosted by the BC Health Coalition and the Council of Canadians on December 1, 2020. This was ...
We need action, not another commission on long-term care

We need action, not another commission on long-term care

In May, as the COVID-19 death toll in long-term care homes climbed, the Ontario government announced it would convene an ...
It’s time for governments to listen to workers in long-term care homes

It’s time for governments to listen to workers in long-term care homes

I recently had the opportunity to participate in a video conference where long-term care workers from across the country spoke ...
Guelph Chapter's Lin Grist testifies on homecare bill to Ontario government

Guelph Chapter’s Lin Grist testifies on homecare bill to Ontario government

This is the text of the presentation that Lin Grist of our Guelph Chapter gave by video conference to Ontario's Standing ...
Mike Harris is raking in profits from long-term care system he helped create

Mike Harris is raking in profits from long-term care system he helped create

Twenty-five years ago, Mike Harris and his Progressive Conservative party ousted Rae's NDP government in Ontario, starting the so-called "Common ...